Keeping your digital marketing strategies creative during coronavirus

Keeping your digital marketing strategies creative during coronavirus
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Lead Design, UX/CX, UID & Brand Development

A recent article by Campaign highlighted the artwork by Conceptual Boredom , inspired by the monotony of lockdown life. The eye-catching work will be displayed in Espacio Gallery in Shoreditch and has got us thinking: how are we ensuring that the creativity within our digital marketing strategies is not suffering during the pandemic?

Although life has certainly got a little more interesting of late, with shops, restaurants, pubs and gyms all reopening, the next phases of reopening were delayed in response to local spikes of the virus. What’s more, local lockdowns and renewed quarantine restrictions highlight that we may be forced once again to retreat to our homes. Creativity should be at the heart of your digital marketing strategies; here’s how to ensure they don’t suffer as we continue to live with the restrictions to control the spread of coronavirus.

Tip 1: Read

There is nothing else quite like reading for creativity. Whether it be a murder mystery, romance or non-fiction, a good book is sure to get your creative juices flowing, encouraging you to stretch your mind, see the world in a new light and spark new thought processes.

Despite its benefits, many of us have too much ‘stuff’ going on to make time for reading, especially during the pandemic, when our businesses are demanding more time from us than ever. It’s good practice to block out some time for you in your diary and use it to do something you love, which could be reading. If you’re truly stuck for time, remember that a podcast or audio book can be equally as effective, and is something you can do while out walking or lifting weights.

Tip 2: Change your routine  

Doing the same thing day-in, day-out is bound to get tiresome. Mix things up a little! Set an earlier alarm clock and do yoga in the garden, challenge your family to a ‘Come Dine with Me’ competition, take your laptop to work outside. It’s up to you what you do to promote change, but it will help you to get of your head for a little while and help your digital marketing to become more creative again.

Tip 3: Get away from your desk

This will become especially important if Kent and Sussex end up going into a local lockdown, as without breaking up your day to get away, you could easily end up spending all day behind a computer screen. Walking the dog or even just making yourself a proper lunch are both good activities to get away from your desk.  

Tip 4: Create new collaborative opportunities

If you work alone, then without discussions with other people you might find it hard to develop and enhance your ideas. Equally, if you work within a team, you might find that you are always working with the same people within your department, or not gaining a perspective from outside your company.

Set up a Zoom call, or a socially distanced meeting and start to collaborate and brainstorm with people you don’t usually work with – you never know what ideas you might generate.  

Tip 5: Change the view

If you’re truly feeling stuck, then it’s a good idea to take inspiration from other sectors. How is the aviation industry responding to the current climate? Has a local restaurant adapted their business especially well to remain relevant within our coronavirus world? Has your child’s school implemented some great strategies for online learning? Inspiration can be found in unlikely places, so don’t feel confined to your own sector.

To run an engaging and relevant digital marketing campaign, creativity will need to be at the heart of your strategy. In the current climate, creative inspiration can be harder than usual to find, so we hope this advice helps.

For inspiration call the eonic team today on 01892 534 044

About the author

Lead Design, UX/CX, UID & Brand Development

"It's much more than design, it's about the user experience."

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Keeping your digital marketing strategies creative during coronavirus
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Lead Design, UX/CX, UID & Brand Development