Is my website safe from attacks?

Whether it’s a targeted attack or random vandalism, a hacked website is at best a headache and at worst a business-halting disaster. Under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), you have a responsibility to protect your customers’ data, and that includes keeping your website safe from hackers. You really do need to start protecting your digital assets the moment you launch your website.

Ask your web developer about security

A good web developer will give you advice on maintaining your website. So, ask questions about security as part of the process. Find out what steps they think you will need to take at your end – whether it’s improved antivirus, or GDPR training for your staff.

Take care of access to your website editor

Do you know who can edit your website? Make sure someone in your organisation is specifically responsible for administrating accounts on your content management system, and delete accounts that are no longer in use. Insist on strong passwords – which get changed regularly – and discourage users from sharing them and writing them down.

Keep updated

Update software that you use for creating web content regularly. Software companies make updates in response to threats from hackers, so by not installing the latest software you are leaving loopholes open that malefactors can exploit. Don’t see updates as an annoying chore that can wait; they are an urgent task that will keep your website safe.

Be cautious with plug-ins

The majority of plug-ins are safe to use – but make sure you get them from a safe, trusted source. Keep them up to date, and delete any that you are no longer using.

Protect your hardware

Hackers might attack your organisation’s computers, smartphones and tablets and access your website that way. So, take steps to protect all your organisation’s hardware from malware and viruses. Devices should be scanned for malware every time they are plugged in to your network.

Do your users really need to upload files?

File uploads are a real headache where security is concerned. If you do need users to upload files, ask your web developer how you can ensure this process is secure.

Make back-ups

Frequent back-ups are a great reassurance, because you can do a restore and be up and running again relatively quickly. Ensure you have back-ups both on and off site, and you may need to do it more than once a day, depending on the nature of your website.

Note that you’ll need to close whatever loophole the hackers used, though, and this may mean deleting the entire site and using a back-up from a few days or weeks ago.

Have an emergency procedure for a website hack

A swift, planned response to a website hack will reduce the disruption and let you get back to normal quickly. So, find out what steps you will need to take, and which service providers you will use, and agree a plan.

A job for the experts

Website security is a specialised area, and if it is giving you sleepless nights, talk to the experts. At Eonic we take our clients’ concerns seriously. When you use our Kent-based website building studio, you can be sure that we’ll answer all your questions about security. And once your website is up and running, we’ll be there to support you in keeping it safe and secure. Don’t let your website ruin your sleep. Take the first step to a secure, reliable website by using our contact form to get in touch.