How great web design can improve conversion rates

How great web design can improve conversion rates
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Lead Design, UX/CX, UID & Brand Development

Do you feel as if you’re wasting time on queries coming in from your website that do not lead to wanted actions, whether sales, enquiries, donations or bookings? It’s a common problem, particularly for a growing business. Did you know that with a few easy tweaks to your website, you can improve the quality of the leads coming in? This in turn will improve the number of leads you convert into positive outcomes.

Tweak one: filter in your ideal clients

Successful businesses have an ideal client. It can help to create an avatar (we’ve got a blogpost for that). You can also create an anti-client avatar – that is, an avatar for the client you really don’t want. If you work with Eonic, you’ll find yourself creating avatars as part of the discovery process. We’ll be ‘consulting’ them at every stage of the website build.

It helps to have these avatars because then you can address your website – and indeed all your comms – to them. This means making design and language choices that will appeal to that particular group of people. This is a subtle way of welcoming the clients you want and encouraging the clients you don’t want to look elsewhere rather than wasting time and energy trying to do business with you.

If you work with a diverse bunch of clients, our designers and devs have a few tricks up their sleeves to ensure you can provide a tailored welcome to each group.

You might also want to think about the search terms your ideal clients will use. For example, you may want ‘luxury valeting’ rather than ‘cheap valeting’ (or vice versa). Or you might want to work only with clients local to you, so use place names in your copy, and make use of mapping facilities to make it easy to see where you are based.

Tweak two: make it easy for users to meet their goals independently

If your website works smoothly across all platforms (that is, on mobiles as well as desktop screens) then potential leads may well convert themselves by taking the wanted action without your involvement.

A good website will take on admin tasks for you. For example, it might collect contact details from your leads before you actually speak to them – and it could check them against a database, which might be useful for a restaurant booking or a loyalty scheme. It could answer really common questions about your industry and provide links to reliable educational resources. Or you could set up a shop so that clients can make purchases without input from you.

Tweak three: let your website qualify your leads

Depending on your sector, you may be working with people who do not really understand the product or service that you offer. They may also need educating about the norms of your sector. By educating and informing them first, you will make them feel more confident about working with you. A website can do this with content, or you can do it through a newsletter. You could even offer a short e-learning course – Eonic’s content management system Protean has some exciting e-learning capabilities.

A final word…

A decent website will collect all kinds of metrics about visitors, and a decent web developer will help you to understand them. But not all web platforms provide powerful metrics tools, so if yours is not giving you the data you need, it may be time to move on. We’d be happy to have a chat about increasing conversion rates and data because those are things close to our hearts. Use our contact form to book a call with one of the web designers at our office near Tonbridge.

About the author

Lead Design, UX/CX, UID & Brand Development

"It's much more than design, it's about the user experience."

More about Victoria

How great web design can improve conversion rates
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Lead Design, UX/CX, UID & Brand Development