How you can learn from Twitter’s rebrand

How you can learn from Twitter’s rebrand
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Lead Design, UX/CX, UID & Brand Development

Twitter’s recent digital rebranding reflects their ideal audience’s shift in age and behaviours. Here’s how you can follow in the footsteps of the social media platform to ensure your brand is up-to-date and appealing to the individuals you want to be reaching.

What changes have been made to Twitter’s brand?

On 27 January 2021, Twitter’s CMO, Leslie Berland, revealed the rebrand in a tweet, explaining the process that has gone into the new visual identity, commenting, “The brand isn’t us, it’s all of you.”  

After a year of extensive and challenging deliberations, the decision was taken to replace the bird’s plain blue background with a collage of faces and words to reflect the chaotic nature of this year, and how its users have approached it. The rebrand also includes a new typeface, named ‘Chirp’ which moves away from Twitter’s clean, minimalistic look. Leslie’s 17-tweet long thread introduced all the new elements the team have aimed to embrace.

Through this slightly grunge-like aesthetic, Twitter has zeroedin on its younger audiences and the conversations they are having.

How updating your brand can help your business

As demonstrated by Twitter, it’s good practice to take a step back and evaluate if your brand is telling the stories you want it to. According to Harvard Business Review, 64 percent of consumers say that shared values help them create a trusted relationship with a brand. Therefore, you need to be keeping track of those key values and ensuring your brand communicates them – it could just streamline your customer journey that little bit more, resulting in valuable leads.

Our work: rebranding to boost a business

We’ve seen our fair share of clients in need of a brand refresh. Our recruitment agency client, ASL Recruitment, came to us with a need for a clearer digital strategy and a new look. Their very traditional logo didn’t match the forward thinking, creative messaging they were aiming to express – so we decided to change it.

By replacing their pale company colours with stronger tones, we ensured that their logo and associated marketing collateral would stand out on digital devices and social media posts where they appeared most often.. We also aimed to evoke the emotions we wanted their ideal customers to experience using colour theory.

The end result was a vibrant, friendly rebrand that embraced their forward-thinking ethos, thus attracting their ideal customers.

A digital rebranding requires an investment of both time and money. However, if you have identified a shift in your ideal audience’s age and behaviours, it might be time to take the leap. If you want to follow in the footsteps of Twitter to ensure your brand is up to date, we’d love to hear from you.

Picture Image copyright: Twitter

About the author

Lead Design, UX/CX, UID & Brand Development

"It's much more than design, it's about the user experience."

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How you can learn from Twitter’s rebrand
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Lead Design, UX/CX, UID & Brand Development